Thursday, February 17, 2011

Review: Lean Cuisine

As I was making dinner tonight, I thought about using this blog for writing reviews on certain foods that are pre-packaged/frozen. I know I don't have the energy to cook something every night, and things like this are super easy. This is a Lean Cuisine product, but it is different because it comes in a pouch that you steam in the microwave. I guess steaming is the new thing to do. This product is the Garlic Chicken. It is pieces of chicken breast and vegetables in a creamy garlic sauce. The vegetables are asparagus, carrot, and broccoli. Overall, this was good. It was light and actually had a good amount of food. (sometimes frozen meals seem like they barely have any food in them) I felt like it could use a little salt and pepper added after cooking, which is a personal preference. I would give this meal 4 out of 5 stars. It was good, and I would buy it again. It has 7 WW points.

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