Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pigs in a Blanket

This is a classic food that I'm sure all of you have had before! My boyfriend requested this the other day, and I agreed to make it. It's super easy. It's not the most healthy choice, but if you eat in moderation its okay to have a treat every once in a while. When I made these I used regular hot dogs, but if you wanted to cut down you could use turkey dogs, or fat free hot dogs. It's a personal preference. I would have liked to use the fat-free hot dogs, but I couldn't find them at the grocery store.

Pigs in a Blanket
Reduced Fat Crescent Rolls
Hot Dogs
2% Shredded Cheese (optional)

Roll up the hot dogs and the cheese and bake in the oven for the time and temperature  listed on the crescent package. 

Using a regular hotdog, 1 pig in a blanket has 7 points. Using a fat free hotdog, 4 points. Depending on how much cheese you use, you might have to adjust the points values. I used a very little amount, around a teaspoon of shredded cheese, which does not have any points.

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